Detoxing During The Pandemic

I’m sure by now you all see the importance of staying healthy and having a strong immune system. Check out a few of our detox water recipes we drink daily to keep a clean system 👇🏾


🍋Lemons – a natural detoxifier and aids with bloating and fluid retention

Lime – helps with digestion and natural detoxifier

Ginger- helps to strengthen your digestive system and prevent indigestion, nausea, and heartburn.

🍊Oranges – high in Vitamin C and helps to alkalize the body

🍋Lemons – a natural detoxifier and aids with bloating and fluid retention

🍓Strawberries – high in antioxidants and boost immunity

🥒Cucumber – help cool the inflammatory response in body. Hydrates body, reduces puffiness and bloating, and flushes toxins.
